Day Three - Bus to Cirkewwa, boat to Comino then busses St Paul's Bay, to St Julian's Bay, to Valletta then 'home'

The advantage about an AirBnB in someones home is that it is normally cheap (mine is), you get to see 'real' people and how they live and also you are normally in a suburb so away from the tourists; the down side is when the house is awake, you are awake.  I have been awake every morning for 6.30. Today was no exception. I showered and was out of the door for 8.30.  My hosts are lovely but there is no good just hanging around. I waited ages for a bus. London makes you very impatient.  I never run for a bus there as I know, in five minutes tops, there will be another one. This is Malta, it is not London. I waited over 30 minutes for a bus (they had obviously cut one out of the timetable).  When the bus did arrive, it was crowded. I finally managed to get a seat which was a good job as I was on the damn thing for over an hour.  This bus went down some of the smallest roads and tightest corners, I am so glad I decided not to hire a car.

I arrived at Cirkewwa which is a port on the north west of Malta's coast. To say it was windy was an understatement.  I don't know what it is with me and

boats. I blame Jelly Fish (remember him?).  Every summer break, without fail Meg and I were treated to a boat trip ..... sigh!  I think it all come to an abrupt halt the year we went to Zante and went on a boat trip looking for turtles (he was scared of them) and as he was getting out of the boat he fell, clutching his Roy Cropper bag, Meg and I screamed with laughter. Anyway, back to Malta.  I paid my 10euros and finally got some breakfast. An overpriced cup of coffee and a kit kat.  The boat was very small, picture the one in Jaws when he says 'we are going to have to get a bigger boat'. OK it probably was a bit bigger but not much. The water was so choppy. Huge waves and the boat was tossed around. I did think at one point, why the hell am I doing this to myself. The boat took us to the Blue Lagoon.  The reason why I wanted to go here is because my dear old Nan and Grandad visited Malta when I was around ten years old and told me all about the caves and how blue the water was, so I thought it would be nostalgic of me to visit them.  In hindsight I am now wondering if they were taking about the Blue Grotto and my untimely death on the waves would all be in vein. I must remember, the past must stay in the past.  I did have to smile mind, as we were looking a the caves they were playing dance music on the boat, as you do, I can see now you are getting the picture.  The song that come on was Better Off Alone by Alice DJ. I thought, here we go the Universe is still with me even in Malta. 

Now do not get me wrong. The water was a beautiful shade of blue and the caves, what I saw of them, were very impressive.  However, all that was going through my head was the recent boat disaster that has been in the news where loads of people drowned because they all moved to one side of the boat. The same thing was happening here.  I did not need to see the caves that much.

We finally docked at the jetty and my heart sunk.  I had to run the gauntlet of 'wide boys' trying to hire me two deckchairs, why would I want two? and a parasol for 12 Euros for two hours! Really! There was an array of stalls selling over priced burgers, fried onions and cocktails. Not my kind of thing.  I had a mooch around this rock but to be honest unless you wanted to go to swim, I did not it was too rough and I do not do the sea, too many thinks lurking in there for my liking, there really was not much there to see.  I got the boat back, again a very choppy journey and was pleased to have my feet on firm ground.

By now, not tempted by the smell of fried onions and greasy burgers, I was very  hungry.  I caught a bus in to St Paul's Bay and finally grabbed some lunch. To be perfectly honest Malta is not a beach resort. There are some big hotels by both St Paul's Bay and St Julian's Bay are just that; bays. By now, because of the
Lunch time view - not fried onions or burgers thank you
wind on the boat and on dry land, my hair looked like I had appeared in a cheap, Beyonce video. Talk about the wild woman of Borneo.   I decided to make my way back to Valletta and grab a coffee, which I did and very nice it was too.  The coffee really isn't too bad here, but let's face it, it cannot be as bad as the coffee in Japan.  Had a walk around but by now I was exhausted, so caught the bus home.

Simon my host was at home so we had a quick chat; his partner is working tonight. I have asked Simon if his taxi driving friend will collect me and the me to the airport on Friday. Hopefully, this will save me the ordeal on the bus.  I had a quick shower and put my PJs on and I think I will just have a quiet night reading my book.  The internet is a bit slow tonight, I think it may be the weather, but fingers crossed you will get this post at some point.

As always, with my love x


Sculture in Valletta

Views of Valletta harbour


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